Premium Inc
attention to detail
LINK: http://www.goliathsportswear.com/attentiontodetail/
International Clothing Company Premium Inc came to us with one of their brands and a simple question. How do we tell the story of this fantastic brand and what should it look like? The brand was Goliath and the brand essence quite remarkable.
Beginning in 1925 Goliath had used the same factory to make shoes for both professional use and leisure. Serving as separate target groups as upmarket cricket players and not so upmarket rugby players. This heritage had defined quite a unique product; combining a long tradition of quality, craftsmanship, sporting traditions and premium design.
Premium Inc now needed to define the brand more clearly, implement a new design identity and continue the story telling of the Goliath legacy for the European consumers of the 21st century.
Working closely with a dedicated client we identified a core within the Goliath brand; a respect for genuine craftsmanship, doing things with passion and not compromising on quality. An idea started to form if we couldn’t meet with similar traditional craft men, who had adapted in to the new millennium. Maybe we could celebrate their work and share our stories.
We started too look for great genuine work that we appreciated ourselves. We discussed with passionate boat builders, instrument makers, chocolate artists, fixed bike communities, and many more. In the end, we decided that the European launch of Goliath would be done by covering three separate communities, by respecting and telling their story through our channels.
Morgenland assembled a team and visited and documented Drop Coffee, a Swedish coffee roaster and café. Farm Shop in East London, an urban farming club and Mesh print Club in Rotterdam, a screen-printing community. These three communities were realy open for the idea and where glad that someone noticed there effort. Especially some one that shares their values.
We gave them our time and a possibility to tell their story; What drives them, what rewards are there for their hard work. We didnt want to learn the trix of the trade, we wanted to learn the trade. In a documentary manner we captured their spirit in 3 brand films that now can be seen at the site attention to detail.
The website is in the first phase and will develop with every collection we will add new stories. The interactive experience is now also in it´s first phase we decided to put html 5 support before some of the awesome features to come. So now you can get the goliath story both on your iPhone and iPad.